Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why your husband, fiance, or boyfriend is the wrong person to ask about your makeup.

Originally, I was going to write this about bride-to-bes bringing their fiances to bridal consultation, but then I realized- this is something that everyone can benefit from. :)

Let's start with an analogy- your significant other comes to you and says- 'Honey, look under the hood of this car, what do you think of the engine?' Being the great girl you are, you walk out and look under the hood. You have no idea what you are looking at, but you know this means a lot to him, so you say- 'It looks great to me babe.' He says- 'Really? The car won't start.'

It's the exact same situation reversed when you say- 'Honey, what do you think about my makeup?' He doesn't know, but he going to try to be helpful and say- 'Oh babe, I like you without makeup. But you look great as always.' It's meant in a nice way; he thinks you're beautiful. But all the sudden all the doubt and self-consciousness within us over rides good judgment. As women we are more effected by this then men are. We want to look pretty and feel good. If that's not enforced (especially when we ask for it), our brains fog up and we can't see clearly.

If your significant other doesn't like a lot of makeup, you probably already know that. So, you either go along with that or you don't (and if you don't- definitely don't ask)

Here's my opinion. If you want to know if it looks good- ask another girl. They will tell you- 'Lighten up on the black eyeliner' or 'That is a great blush color.' or 'Your skin looks great!' Things that are constructive feedback because they know the dynamics of makeup in the first place. Just remember- it's not that your guy doesn't like it or doesn't's just that he doesn't know what he's even looking at. So do your thing- he'll love you for it! ;)


  1. I would like to add a caveat for the Bride-to-be's out there:

    When you go to your makeup consultation, you will probably be casually dressed, especially compared to your wedding gown. You will understand this, and your girlfriends and moms will too. Your fiance won't. So if he says that it's too much, don't take it too seriously- all he sees is you in jeans with a full face of glam makeup, which I admit, doesn't look all that great. What I want to avoid is you changing the look you love because of what you are wearing at the consult. It's the full picture of you walking down the aisle that we are trying to achieve. Food for thought.

  2. I love the car comparison Lindsay!
