So I think we have all been there, especially with makeup....same thing, every day. In the dark. With our eyes closed. Barely conscious of what we are doing. It looks good. People compliment it...but geez how monotonous.
So most people can relate to that on their own face. I do it on other people. The same look. The same products. And everyone loves it! Which is great....but boring.
Next enter my client this evening. I have done her makeup on multiple occasions and I always leave her feeling like I love makeup more than ever! Firstly, she is beautiful and she is African American, which matters only because I don't get the opportunity to do ethnic skin often and they are able to wear a whole different color scheme. PLUS- she loves color. She loves makeup. And she loves me doing her makeup. It just sets up for a wonderful experience. Today she walked out in a tan, black and teal shirt with teal feather earrings. We did teal the last time...I could do it again but-'NO!' screamed the bored makeup artist inside me. 'I need something different!!' My mind starts wandering as we chit chat and it hits me- blow the dust off the pigment bag and pull out Sunpepper! ---Now for those of you of whom I just lost: Pigments are loose powder color in a jar. Because they are loose, the colors are much more vibrant, three dimensional and highly pigmented...hence the name. Sunpepper, in particular, is a two-toned color that is mahogany and teal. If you think that sounds hideous- you can be right- if it's on the wrong person. But dark skin- bring it! Albeit, not something I automatically pull out for the 'O So Natural' gal.--- And off we go: Tilt in the middle, with Sketch (ok ok, that's an extremely overused color in my life), Carbon and Patina. (if that was Greek to you, don't worry, it's not really important) Can I even tell you how pleased I was with the result!? As was she. A definite plus.
When she left, I looked at the 84 eyeshadows I travel with...the favorites are clear: well worn down, some with holes etched in the middle. And I thought, maybe it's time to pick new favorites, new combos and even choose a pigment for a bride. Who said the client had to present me with a skin color or look that pushed me out of my comfort zone? So, tomorrow I have 2 bridal consultations and I'm so excited to be doing makeup re-inspired and re-invented.
So, pick up a product you haven't used in...well, you can't remember the last time you used it. And work it in. Become engaged with your look. Think. be inspired. :)
YAY! Great posting friend... It is so much fun to hear you having "play time"! Makeup isn't the same for we makeup artists and we have to remember to play just like anyone else.